Mayport Military Court-Martial Defense Attorney

our offices are located in jacksonville, fl

navy JAG & Military Justice Specialist

We are Jacksonville, Florida’s premier military defense law firm with offices conveniently located within minutes of Naval Station Mayport, Naval Air Station Jacksonville, and Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay.  Attorney Patrick Korody has more than 15 years of experience defending clients in UCMJ proceedings.

Why korody law is your best mayport military defense

Attorney Patrick Korody has defended clients in all branches of the military with outstanding results.  He uses his extensive trial and legal experience as a military, state, and federal prosecutor, military staff judge advocate, and military, state and federal defense attorney to achieve the best outcome for his military clients.  He is one of the very few attorneys that practice military defense to be recognized as a capital defense qualified defense attorney. 

Article 32 preliminary hearing

Mr. Korody has obtained favorable probable cause determinations and forum recommendations for military clients at Article 32 Preliminary Hearings.

general courts-martial

Mr. Korody has successfully defended military clients at general court-martial facing charges of drug distribution, sexual assault, and other UCMJ violations.

special courts-martial

Mr. Korody has successfully defendant military clients at special court-martial and commonly is able to negotiate non-judicial resolutions to avoid a conviction.

Work With Me

Korody Law is the only Mayport Court-Martial Military Defense Attorney.  Don’t fall for the other guys who are located around the United States but deceptively advertise on the web that they are local to Jacksonville, FL.  We can meet in-person at my office in Jacksonville, Florida.


Are you:

  • Under investigation?
  • Charged by military authorities?
  • Facing an Article 32, UCMJ Hearing?
  • Facing General Court Martial?
  • Facing Special Court Martial?


When you are in a Naval Station Mayport military courtroom, and the opposition is the United States, you need an experienced and proven Mayport court martial military defense attorney.


Attorney Patrick Korody has the experience, training, and skills to ensure that your rights as a member of the military and a citizen of the United States are protected. He spent close to a decade on active duty defending and prosecuting members of the military and advising commanders on how to dispose of misconduct. He was trained by the military to execute this mission, and left the Navy JAG Corps as one of its preeminent litigators.  He now uses his vast knowledge and talent as a Naval Station Mayport court-martial defense attorney.
  • Article 32, UCMJ Hearings
  • Summary Courts-Martial
  • Special Courts-Martial
  • General Courts-Martial

If you already have an assigned military defense counsel, you also have the right to hire a civilian military defense attorney. Your military defense counsel will continue on the case as the assistant defense counsel and assist me in defending your case.

Mr. Korody represents Navy Sailors, Marines, Coastguardsmen, Soldiers, and Airman on-board Naval Station Mayport at Article 32, UCMJ Preliminary Hearings and Special and General Courts Martial for all offenses under the UCMJ, including:
  • Sexual assault and other sex offenses
  • Drug use (urinalysis), possession, introduction, and distribution
  • Domestic violence
  • Receipt, possession, distribution of child pornography
  • Theft and fraud, including basic allowance for housing (BAH) fraud
  • Unauthorized absence (UA, AWOL) / Desertion
  • Homicide
  • Arson
  • Loss of sensitive/classified information
  • Sexual harassment

Our strategy at Korody Law is simple. 

Zealously represent your clients.

Thoroughly prepare.

Litigate to Win.

About Naval Station Mayport Since its commissioning in December 1942, NS Mayport has grown to become the third-largest naval surface fleet concentration area in the United States. Mayport’s operational composition is unique, with a busy harbor capable of accommodating 34 ships and an 8,001-foot (2,439 m) runway capable of handling most aircraft in the Department of Defense inventory. Naval Station Mayport is also home to the Navy’s United States Fourth Fleet, reactivated in 2008 after being deactivated in 1950. The base has historically served as the homeport to various conventionally powered aircraft carriers of the Atlantic Fleet, including Shangri-La (1960 – 1971), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1956 – 1977), Forrestal (1977 – 1993), Saratoga (1957 – 1994), and, most recently, John F. Kennedy (1995 – 2007). With the decommissioning of all conventionally powered aircraft carriers by the U.S. Navy, no carriers are presently assigned to Mayport. However, both houses of Congress have passed legislation authorizing about US$75 million for dredging and upgrades at NAVSTA Mayport to accommodate a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. On January 29, 2010, the Quadrennial Defense Review Report stated that a nuclear aircraft carrier would be homeported at NAVSTA Mayport. The action will help protect the fleet against a potential terror attack, accident or natural disaster, because all east coast aircraft carriers are currently based at Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, according to the report. West coast aircraft carriers are split between Naval Air Station North Island in San Diego, California, Naval Base Kitsap and Naval Station Bremerton in Washington state and one carrier assigned to the Forward Deployed Naval Force (FDNF) homeported at Naval Base Yokosuka, Japan. In 2009 Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense, stated, “Having a single (nuclear carrier) homeport has not been considered acceptable on the west coast and should not be considered acceptable on the east coast.”  The decision was opposed by elected officials in Virginia, who would lose 3,500 sailors and their dependents, $425 million in revenue each year, and most importantly, 6,000 support jobs. The Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce estimated the loss at 11,000 jobs and $650 million per year. Infrastructure changes and facility construction at Mayport are estimated to take five years and cost over half a billion dollars. The 2011 budget commits $590 million during the fiscal years from 2011 to 2019, so a carrier may not move to Mayport until 2019. However, an amphibious group is coming sooner. USS New York (LPD-21) relocated to Mayport in December 2013 and USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7) and USS Fort McHenry (LSD-43) also switched their homeports to the naval station in August 2014. The Virginia congressional delegation has fought the loss of even one of NAVSTA Norfolk’s aircraft carriers boost to their economy by citing other areas such as shipbuilding to spend the Navy’s tight budget. A 2013 report from the Navy revealed that they are considering basing as many as 14 littoral combat ships at NS Mayport.  Littoral Combat Ship Squadron 2 was established at the base on November 7, 2014. USS Little Rock (LCS-9) and USS Sioux City (LCS-11) will be among the squadron’s ships.
Korody Law, P.A. 118 W. Adams Street, Suite 500, Jacksonville, FL 32202 - (904) 383-7261

Top Rated Jacksonville FL Lawyer Patrick Korody handles federal, state, and military criminal defense cases. Court-martial, security clearance revocation, security clearance denied, security clearance suspended. Jacksonville Florida Mayport Kings Bay NAS Jacksonville NAS JAX Naval Station Mayport Patrick Air Force Base Charleston Naval Weapons Station NAS Key West NAS Pensacola NAS Whiting Field Criminal Defense Lawyer. Top Rated Criminal Defense Attorney in Jacksonville, Florida. Federal criminal defense lawyer for drug charges fraud charges firearm charges money laundering charges. Former JAG lawyer provides services to Navy Air Force Marine Corps Army military members. Court-Martial Court Martial Courtmartial adsep boi security clearance revoked security clearance suspended. Military member DUI in Jacksonville, FL. Military sexual assault defense lawyer: sexual contact, rape, indecent assault, child pornography possession. Under investigation by NCIS? NJP appeals. Administrative Separation Boards. Boards of Inquiry. Military trial attorney. Civilian counsel for military members. Merchant Mariner Defense Lawyer. Offices located in Jacksonville, Florida.